[Review] Kaila Lightening Skincare Body Lotion - Melon & Strawberry

By Ursula Meta Rosarini - 9:34 am

26th January 2018

Hy girls, I'm coming back with lotion topic, hope you're good as always girls.

Every girl wants glow and beauty skin, isn't it? I think so. Although I have medium to dark skin tone, I always want glowing, shine, smooth, soft and healthy skin, the tone doesn't matter (it's only a bonus hahaha). That's why I always use lotion, body serum or body butter after showering moreover every time I want. Above all I have super dry skin type and yeah it makes me uncomfortable hahaha, so I need lotion to moisturizing my skin and get good skin as good as I wanted. 

End of 2017, I saw on Instagram that some beauty bloggers / vloggers came to Kaila Lightening Skincare Body Lotion Launched, I wonder what is it? and I started to find out about Kaila.

Kaila is the newest brand/product from PT Multi Indo Citra Tbk, they have too popular products such as PIGEON and LOCK & LOCK.

About Kaila
Kaila is a ligthening skin care body lotion with three variants of fragrance which are Melon Fantasy, Strawberry Passion,  and Pomegranate Bliss

Keep skin healthy and bright.
Formulated with 8 Natural Essences which are Seaweed, Macadamia, Calendula, Chamonile, Wheat,  Avocado, Jojoba and Yam Bean help to moisturize and smoothen skin. Yam Bean extracts helps to brighten skin. Enrich with UV Protection that helps protect skin form harmful effect of sunlight, with a refreshing fragrance. So no need to worry girls. This lotion also dermatology tested and suitable for all skin type.

Kaila Lightening Skincare Body Lotion comes with two variants of size. Small size 100 ml to travel because it's so travel friendly and big size 200 ml to stay at home hehehe

I really like Kaila Lotion's packaging because this package is different with another lotion, easy to hold on, easy catching, white basic but colorful with its variant of fragrance (fruit). I love its plastic bottle and disc top, it makes me easier to put out the lotion.

Texture, Formula and Scent
Kaila Lotion comes with white color and has a sweet scent that feels quite pleasant and has a creamy textureIt has perfect lotion consistency neither too thick nor watery.
To be honest, its Melon & Strawberry  scent is the most perfect fragrance of lotion, it has different scent, strong but soft.

I have been using this Kaila Lotion for the past 2 weeks and I feel my skin gets moisture, smooth and soften.  
It spreads easily and quickly absorbed by the skin when massaged for a minute or two. It moisturizes the skin well without giving any uncomfortable sticky feeling. It gives cooling sensation when applied on the skin and leaves the skin soft.

It provides good hydration and keeps my body skin moisturized for the whole day. I had a super dry skin type and this lotion helps to keep my skin hydrated. Its moisture and fragrance does stay on up to 6 hours.

I bought this product as online on Shopee.
IDR 50.000 for Melon Fantasy and Strawberry Passion each 200 ml and I got free nice maroon pouch, yippie so happy. Is it too expensive? Nope, its quality pays off.

(+) A non sticky formula 
(+) Has a soft and sweet floral
(+) Dermatology tested
(+) Suitable for all skin type
(+) Highly moisturizing
(+) Spreads easily and quickly

(-) Comes without SPF

(-) Not easily available offline (only on Shopee)

Overall, I'm in love with Kaila Lightening Skincare Body Lotion, seems I don't want to move on to another lotions.
I want to try the Pomegranate Bliss too. Have you tried this lotion girls? share it here if you did it. Thank you for reading, see you on my next post.

Update, 26th February 2018
Finally, I tried all variants of Kaila. I got them from Kaila each 100 ml, aka travel size. The Pomegranate is amazing like Melon and Strawberry too. I fall in love with Kaila over and over.

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  1. Jarang-jarang nih ada body lotion wangi melon gini^^


    1. Bener banget say, makanya aku langsung cus beli tanpa testing2 dulu hahaha

  2. Berarti 50K dapat 400 ml sis? mahal juga yak, apalagi produk lokal & belum terkenal ^o^ tapi reviewnya bagus sis, aduh ak teracuni lagi niy, ak suka penasaran sama lotion baru ckckc.

    1. Kalo dilihat harga eamg cukup mahal sis, tapi worth it kok, sebanding sama kualitasnya, cus sana beliii

  3. Penasaran ni sama handbody wanginya melon wkwkw jarang banget dan belum pernah ada kebetulan. 😂 teracuni untuk mulai mencarinya besok

    1. Iya bener2, inovasi baru yah rasa melon, carinya di shopee yah sis, di link yg aku kasih di atas.

  4. Wawww OMG, finally review in English is published, good job sis!!
    I saw they're on flash sale, IDR 9K for 100ml, but I check on Shoppe it's normal price, hufttt.

    1. Hahahah ahh, thank you sista.
      I saw it too but I didn't check it on Shoppe,
      I think the time works sis, you should check it regularly hahaha

  5. o ini produk baru yak? pantes aku belum pernah dengar sebelumnya.
    selain lipstik matte, skrg banyak juga lotion baru bermunculan yak, kemarin aku baru coba luvenus, lumayan lah, sekarang teracuni sama kaila hahaha. malesnya beli online itu harus bayar ongkir hahahaha, mudah-mudahan produk ini segera berjejer rapi di toko2 kosmetik atau di minimarket gitu yak.

    1. Pouchnya cantik juga ya mbak, eh iya aku juga suka baca review bahasa inggris gini, walau harus bolak balik kamus hahaha

    2. Oh iya aku prnh dengar merk luvenus juga, tp belum nyobain hahaha.
      Iya kak mudah2an aja segera tersedia di store ya, biar lebih mudah kalo mau beli & bisa testing aromanya juga hahhaha.
      Pouchnya emang cantik banget kak, lbh cantik dr ekspektasiku hihi.
      Ini review pertamaku pake b.ingg kak, thanks ya

  6. aku baru denger ada merk lotion kaila ini :D
    wanginya pun melon jarang banget ya kayaknya hihi

    1. Memang ini produk baru mbak, layak untuk dicoba loh.

  7. Wihhh baru tau nih jadinya penasaran pengen coba juga 😅

  8. first time ive heard about those brand, I should try it tooo!

  9. Nggak ada kandungan SPF tuh emang kekurangan banget ya kalau di lotion. Aku punya beberapa lotion begini jadi pakenya malem doang deh

    1. Iya Erni, mudah2an Kaila segera meluncurkan produk baru lengkap dengan kandungan SPFnya ya

  10. sadly these come out without SPF :( but still got me curious xD

  11. artikelnya merupakan sebuah job review atau memang sengaja mereview,,,,,, maaf komentnya dalam bahasa Indonesia, bahasa bule saya blm bisa,,, :)

    1. Hobby aja mas, tapi mudah2an aja suatu saat nanti bisa jadi job ya hehehe, amin.

  12. Wahhhh aku jadi penasaran pengen myobain yg wangi melon beb...


    1. Asli, aromanya enak banget loh, rekomen banget pokoknya

  13. Daebak... Q pengen banget bisa ngeblog pake bahasa inggris dan Korea.. Tp apa lahh keterbatasan bahasa.. Hahaha.... Keren dehh.. Two thumbs up.. Hope the best for you... Harganya agak mahal ya bu... Hehehehe

    1. Hahahha, wah makasih byk loh say, kamu juga pasti bisa say ngeblog pake korea or inggris, bahasaku juga masih ala kadarnya banget kok hahaha.
      untuk lotion lokal emg terbilang mahal, tp ciyus ini wanginya enak banget, ga pasaran

  14. baru nih mampir d blog kakak ada tulisan artikel bahasa inggris semua.. Yang baca harus bener-bener yaa.. ini namanya bagus banget dan wangi melon kayanya jarang banget nemu deh.. layak dicoba nih makasih reviewnya kak

    1. Hehehe, iya mbak, sesekali pengen posting konten pake b.inggris.
      Iya ini layak bgt buat dicoba loh mbak, apalagi aromanya nggak pasaran.

  15. Wah kita sama nih kulit badanya kering. aku juga lagi cari-cari body lotion juga untuk kulit kering pas baca awal review mulai tertarik tapi ternyata gak amengandung SPF ya, tapi dapet pouch, jadi pengen beli wkwkwk. Baru kali ini kayaknya kau lihat body lotion rasa melon ^^

    The Wonderland by Kartikaryani

    1. Iya, pouchnya bagus banget loh say, tapi ga tau skrg msh ada promo dpt pouch atau ga, hahahah, iya syg bgt ga ada SPFnya
